What are the main differences between AE-G12N motor and AE-G22N motor units?
The AE-G12N has the 1HP motor, while the AE-G22N has the 1.5HP motor. They both spin the #12hub at 170rpm.
Comparing the two, the 1.5HP unit can run continuously longer, allowing you to process more food in a continuous batch. The 1HP motor being smaller, will generate heat faster and require more rest periods between batches.
Please note that both motor units have the standard #12 hub, so all American Eagle attachments will fit these motors.
However, if you are planning to use the large capacity meat cutter AE-GMC22NH or the vegetable slicer/shredder AE-VS12NH, we recommend the 1.5HP motor unit, not the 1HP motor. The 1.5HP is heavier and taller than the 1HP motor, so it will be able to more easily accommodate these larger attachments without getting off balance.